
Imagine Being One of These People!

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Imagine Being One of These People!

XXX 30th, 2022 | by Gunner Steele

Could you imagine being one of those people living in an oppressive regime who controls the information consumed by their population, making it nearly impossible to know truth from facts? There have been many regimes like this, from the Soviet Union to modern day China and North Korea. It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be "one of those people" who have been so controlled by propaganda that you can't even see what's true…

Could you imagine living in a country where you could get arrested for selling raw milk, yet you still believe you live in a free country?

Could you imagine living in a country where the two most world famous whistleblowers who revealed evil and criminal activity by high ranking political officials are persecuted and are sought out for extradition and capital punishment, all the while you still believe your country permits freedom of speech?

Could you imagine living in a country that forcefully robs up to 60% of your work and life energy in order to support immoral causes that you are religiously opposed to like abortion, transgenderism, euthanasia, and unjust wars, and yet still believe that you live in a Christian nation?

Could you imagine living in a country where children are forcefully kidnapped from the arms of their loving parents because doctors and hospitals claim that the children are in danger from their parents, without evidence and without due process, while the doctors and hospitals are compensated through government programs to kidnap those children, and ultimately to sell them to others (and commonly to homosexuals), putting every minor child in the country at risk 24/7 from this form of government subsidized child trafficking, and yet still believing that you live in the greatest country to raise children in?

Could you imagine living in a country where you need permission to get paid to comb somebody else's hair, to sell lemonade, or to engage in any commerce with anybody else in that country, and yet still believe that you live in "the land of the free?"

Can you imagine living in a country with a legal system so corrupt, that literally anybody's life can be destroyed with one fraudulent or frivolous lawsuit, no matter the cause, simply due to the cost of defending oneself in that legal system, which can total up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, with no recourse to be compensated for your wasted time or legal expenses, and still believe that your country provides "justice for all?"

Can you imagine living in a country so polarized that its police forces and military maintain a culture of protection for one another so fierce that they can rape women, molest children, and murder men nearly indiscriminately both at home and abroad, and still have its citizenry by and large support them and fly flags in their honor, without questioning any of their deeds or actions, and just blaming it all on a "few bad apples?"

Can you imagine living in a country where those selfsame police and military forces have sworn an oath to their country's founding document to protect and preserve it, when they have no clue what it even says, and yet still feel like your country is just and safe?

Can you imagine living in a country where political opponents can be fraudulently attacked and thrown in prison without due process simply for questioning the validity of elections that have been shown to be fraudulent, and to be abused and tormented in prison, and yet still believe that you live in "the home of the brave?"

Can you imagine living in a place where if you have a cure for cancer, that you can be imprisoned, persecuted, and banned from publishing your research or healing the sick, while the people continue to believe that your country is a force for good in the world?

Can you likewise imagine living in a country where if you publish damning information about powerful corporations or individuals, you will likewise disappear, die in a strange accident, or suddenly commit suicide, and everybody accepts it as being just a reality of life, while you continually believe that you live in "the greatest country on earth?"

Can you imagine living in a country where you have to go back at least 40 years in history before you can find anything good, admirable, honorable, or respectable that you can put in your country's list of achievements, yet its people still believe that it is the most admirable country on earth?

Can you imagine living in a country where they inject poison into cancer patients, flood their produce with toxic chemicals, put fluoride in their water supply, mercury in the their teeth, and inundate the entire society with dangerous electromagnetic radiation, while they still wipe their butts with paper, educate their children with antiquated systems of rote memorization, and use a voluntary "tell on yourself" taxation system that functions only based on fear, and yet the citizens of that country still believe they live in the most advanced and civilized society in the world?

I've heard that propaganda in some of these countries is so strong and so powerful and so ubiquitous, that they can actually control their people this way. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to be one of those people! Can YOU imagine what it would be like to be one of those people?
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