Religious Liberty
How COVID Was Used as a Pretext to Destroy Religious Liberty
- Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne arrested for holding services, defying social distancing orders.
- Louisiana pastor Tony Spell arrested on misdemeanor charges for defying coronavirus orders.
- Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation.
- Southern California officials impose more coronavirus restrictions for Easter: Parks closed, no drive-in church services
- Chicago police break up church funeral service for violating coronavirus stay-at-home order.
- Church’s offer of palms (for Palm Sunday) prompts call to police.
- Kentucky Governor Orders All Church Attendees to be reported to health officials and to be served with an order fo FORCEFULLY quarantine for 14 days.
- New York Mayor DeBlasio Threatens to close churches "permanently" for having church services.
- Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer prohibits drive-in religious services during the week of Passover and Easter.
- Indiana Governor To Churches: Worship As I Say Or Be Shut Down.
- California county bans singing in online worship services.
- City demands churches turn over names, addresses, phone numbers! Officials want information for surveillance of members.
- Police Barge into Church Service and Serve Summons to VA Church for Violating Governor's COVID Order
- 3 arrested for flouting mask order at Idaho church singing event
- Democratic New Mexico governor fines churches $10,000 apiece after Christmas Eve service videos go viral
Religious Liberty Links:
- The Meaning of Religious Liberty - Heritage Foundation
- ReligiousLiberties.org
- Alliance Defending Freedom
- An Introduction to Religious Liberty
- Religious Liberty: Landmark Supreme Court Cases
- What is religious liberty, and why is it important?
- What the Bible Says about Religious Liberty
- Justice Alito Warns of Secular Threats to Religious Liberty
- Supreme Court Affirms Religious Liberty, Rules In Favor Of Public High School Football Coach Punished For Praying After Games
- Huge religious liberty win! Healthcare business settles $10.3 million for employees who were denied religious exemptions to COVID vaccine