
Baby Cyrus KIDNAPPED One Year Ago Today!

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Baby Cyrus KIDNAPPED One Year Ago Today!

Can you believe that exactly ONE YEAR AGO TODAY, Baby Cyrus was kidnapped at the point of a gun by psychopathic police officers, working at the behest of a corrupt government subsidized child trafficking machine? Yes, it has been an entire year. It was the night of March 11th, 2022.

However, because people gathered together and each did their part with phone calls, emails, protests, prayers, donations, and more—Baby Cyrus was miraculously returned to our family in less than a week. And the case was completely dropped 3 months later. A few months after that, the false arrest case for my daughter Miranda was dropped. And finally just back in December (just a little over 2 months ago), the case against Marissa (Baby Cyrus’s mom) was dropped. Praise God!

Yes, believe it or not, the disgusting prosecutors in Ada County (Boise, Idaho area), were trying to put Marissa in jail for up to a year, simply because she did not hand over Baby Cyrus to the police when they were trying to kidnap him. So they used their favorite tactic—arresting her for “resisting and obstruction,” because we all know you shouldn’t obstruct the thin blue line when its busy illegally tyrannizing innocent people.

But the good news is that Baby Cyrus was returned. Does he still have Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome? Yes. But is he healthy, strong, and growing? Yes! He is loved and cared for and nurtured—probably too much! This kid is spoiled!
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Baby Cyrus would probably be lost forever and possibly dead had it not been for your help and support!

Each and every one of you played a huge part in Baby Cyrus’s return by your actions and your prayers. And, we could say a mini-revolution against government subsidized child trafficking has been birthed as a result of the entire ordeal. There was even an entire documentary about CPS and child trafficking produced by the Stew Peters Network and it has been viewed over 1.5 million times on Rumble alone (click here to watch the documentary, THESE LITTLE ONES). There was also an exposé featuring Baby Cyrus’s story done by Epoch Times which has garnered international attention, and Baby Cyrus’s kidnap video has been viewed over 12 million times on social media!

In short, America is learning about immoral government subsidized child trafficking by CPS and action is starting to take place around the country. By God’s grace we can see an end to government subsidized child trafficking, state-by-state, legislature by legislature—until ultimately it is completely eradicated from America!

Words don’t exist and the English language does not suffice for me to express our family’s gratitude to each and every one of you.

It has been said that when you are at your hardest moment in life, that is when you find out who people really are and who will betray righteousness. During that time for us, when Baby Cyrus was kidnapped, we gained some true friends and family members, and lost some false ones. All those of you who supported Baby Cyrus became part of our extended family. We truly believe that and feel that way.

And even though these words are totally insufficient, I still can’t let the day go by without saying again, THANK YOU!

Diego Rodriguez
Freedom Man Press

P.S. For those who still want to get caught up on all the details to the Baby Cyrus story, there is a brand new, updated website that is much better organized and has everything available for you to see: videos, links, evidence, overviews, lists of the laws broken, pictures, etc. BabyCyrus.com

P.P.S. We have great news! Baby Cyrus has a little cousin cooking in the oven! The tribe is growing!

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Isaiah 44:28 "That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure."

Isaiah 45:1-3 "Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings…I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight…that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel."
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