Interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries about vaccines

In this interview, you'll hear Dr Humphries talk about vaccines, including:
  • Why she became concerned about vaccines after noticing kidney failure in patients who recently received vaccines.
  • Why vaccines are often contaminated with unknown viral strains, and why the vaccine industry has covered up known vaccine contamination (and knowingly sold contaminated vaccines to be used on the public).
  • Why the entire vaccine industry needs to be questioned, and why a new effort is needed to scientifically assess whether vaccines are really safe or effective.
  • Why the fairy tale that "vaccines eradicated polio" is a false mythology -- here's what really happened.
  • Why the "smallpox" vaccine has never been proven to be effective against smallpox at all.
  • Why vaccine industry research is extremely flimsy and ignores rigorous standards of scientific evidence. (Using improper placebos designed to minimize the appearance of side effects, for example.)
  • Why the vaccine industry won't test vaccines versus unvaccinated children (they're terrified of the results).
  • Why children caught up in outbreaks of measles are often the very same children who were vaccinated against measles!
  • Why vaccines may actually suppress the immune system and cause increased vulnerability to future infections.
  • Why many childhood infections such as chicken pox are perfectly natural, normal and even HEALTHY.
  • Why the outlandish and unscientific behavior of the vaccine industry is causing an erosion of credibility across all "science."

Doctors Explaining Clearly Why Most Vaccines Aren't Safe or Effective:

Other COVID Related Videos Worth Watching:

Other Great Health Freedom Documentaries Worth Watching:

  • Plandemic 2 - Evidence based documentary regarding the COVID "pandemic"
  • Vaxxed - Learn the truth about vaccines
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Health Freedom Idaho - resources for preserving Health Freedom

Natural News - news website founded by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Mercola.com - official website of Dr. Joseph Mercola
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