Freedom Man Blog Articles from 2020
8 Ways the Constitution was Violated in Idaho in 2020
December 30, 2020 | Diego RodriguezThis short, 9 minute long video outlines 8 very specific ways the rights of the people have been violated by the Idaho State Government…
5 Great Lessons Learned in 2020
December 28, 2020 | Gunner SteeleWell this is going to be my final blog entry for 2020. I don't need to reiterate for anyone what a crazy year it has been. For now, I just want to highlight very quickly what I believe the 5 GREAT LESSONS of 2020 have been…
Dumb 2nd Amendment Supporters
December 21, 2020 | Gunner SteeleI must admit that there are a lot of really dumb supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Not just dumb, but some of them are downright stupid…
Diego Rodriguez and Ammon Bundy Challenge GOP Leaders to Debate
December 15, 2020Diego Rodriguez from Freedom Man Press, along with Ammon Bundy from Peoples' Rights have issued a challenge to debate these leaders of the Idaho Republican Party a debate challenge to the leaders of the Idaho GOP…
Stop the Steal Rally - REPLAY
December 12, 2020Here is the video/replay for the Stop the Steal Rally at the Boise State Capitol on December 12th…
Ada County Sheriff Steve Bartlett Joins GOP Leaders in Denouncing Constitutional Protests
December 11, 2020Yesterday, Ada County Sheriff Steve Bartlett decided he wanted to chime in and add his two cents to the already posted statement by the Idaho Republican Party. Here is his statement…
Republican Leaders Denounce Constitutional Protests - Patriots Respond
December 10, 2020Yesterday, December 9th, 2020, leaders from the Idaho Republican Party issued a joint statement condemning "intimidation and hate" by protestors who were protesting unlawful tyrannical orders. Here is the statement…
Central District Health Protest
December 9, 2020Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world. Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned genocide…
100,000 Doctors Unite Against the COVID-19 Vaccine
December 8, 2020Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world. Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned genocide…
COVID Hypocrisy from Politicians
December 7, 2020 | Gunner SteeleSometimes I wonder what it will take in order for the mass sheeple of this world to WAKE UP and see the light. And then, I'm reminded, that NOTHING will ever help them, nor save them, nor change them. That's why they are sheeple in the first place…
The Power of Controlled Information
November 17, 2020 | Gunner SteeleHere we are nearly 2 weeks after the Presidential election without really knowing who the President is going to be. And unfortunately, it doesn't appear we will have an answer any time soon…
We Will Be Invaded By Space Aliens Soon
November 10, 2020 | Gunner SteeleI need to point out something. Something that will sound ridiculous, then funny, then real. Okay, are you ready? Here it is: We are going to be invaded by space aliens in the near future…
How to Fix the Electoral College
November 2, 2020 | Gunner SteeleOur Founding Fathers were geniuses in many ways. They were absolutely way ahead of their time. And one of the ways they demonstrated their genius was by creating the Electoral College.
UPDATE - More Evidence on the COVID Scam
October 26, 2020 | Gunner SteeleOn March 30th of this year, I wrote an article titled the “Great Scam of 2020,” detailing how the “COVID crisis” that had just barely been introduced to us, was a total fraud and a scam.
Overcoming the Damnable Doctrine of Dispensationalism
October 23, 2020 | Diego RodriguezThe doctrine of dispensationalism is completely false, though if you’ve ever been taught it before, you’re going to have a very difficult time overcoming it. If you’re honest hearted and ready to believe the Bible and only the Bible, then this article will give you some tools to help you see the truth for yourself…
We Are Not Living in the Last Days
October 21, 2020 | Diego RodriguezI should’ve written this A LONG time ago so that we could all settle this issue and get on with our lives. But alas, we are here now and so here it goes…
Why I am a Mexican for Trump
October 15, 2020 | Diego RodriguezThe popular narrative that is being pushed all over the world is that Trump is racist and hates Mexicans. This is a complete lie, and the only people who believe it are ignorant “sheeple” who literally don’t know anything that they haven’t heard on the news or on social media…
Freedom Man PAC Responds to News Reports, Fred Martin, and More
October 8, 2020 | Diego RodriguezThere have been several news reports and responses this week after our mailer titled, "Creepy Fred Martin" landed in the mailboxes of District 15 voters. I will respond to each of them below…
Voting is Not Worthless
October 5, 2020 | Gunner SteeleI must make a confession—there have been times over the years, when I have temporarily flirted with the emotion that tells me that voting is a meaningless and fruitless exercise.
Fred Martin Hires Attorney to Threaten Lawsuit Against Freedom Man PAC
October 3, 2020 | Diego RodriguezYesterday, I received an email from attorney, David Leroy, who has been retained by Fred Martin. Fred and David are trying to use the threat of legal action to intimidate the Freedom Man PAC in retribution for us publishing 100% true and accurate information about Fred…
Scott Bedke is Corrupt and Must Be Removed
October 1, 2020 | Diego RodriguezSpeaker of the house, Scott Bedke, is a corrupt and duplicitous hypocrite, and he must be removed from office immediately. There is not time or room to build the entire case against Bedke's remarkably corrupt and immoral behavior as Speaker of the House, but his recent actions in the Idaho Special Session are proof and evidence enough to demonstrate the corrupt nature of his character…
Fred Martin is so Creepy
September 30, 2020 | Diego RodriguezFred Martin was under investigation for going into the girls bathroom at Centennial High School, after hours, in the dark, with a long coat and gloves on…
Final Review of the 2020 Special Session
August 31, 2020 | Diego RodriguezThe Idaho Special Session is over. And wow, what an eventful week. The good news is this: PATRIOTS FOUGHT WELL AND STOPPED GOVERNOR LITTLE AND HIS CRONIES AT IACI!
The Real Reason Why Ammon Bundy Was Arrested
August 26, 2020 | Ammon BundyAmmon Bundy was arrested today in Idaho and has written a summary of the events that occured leading to his arrest. This is relevant for everyone in America, whether you live in Idaho or not…
Protest August 24th Special Session
August 21, 2020We need you to show up at the Boise State Capitol on Monday, August 24th at 9:00 am (or earlier) to protest and oppose RS28049…
The Corrupt Politicians Are Protecting Themselves Again
August 7, 2020 | Diego RodriguezWhat if it was legally determined that Governor Brad Little’s actions in response to the “coronavirus crisis” was illegal, inappropriate, or harmful? I mean, we all know that it was, but if it was legally determined to be so?
What Both Sides Are Always Missing
August 3, 2020 | Gunner SteeleWe've got two major "sides" who are warring against each other right now when it comes to the police abuse issue. There is a "defund the police" side which is mostly being promoted by the Black Lives Matter movement. And there is a "defend the police" which is mostly being supported by various factions of the "Patriot" movement.
America's Frontline Doctors Are Being Censored
July 28, 2020 | Gunner SteeleYesterday, several doctors calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors," because they are literally on the frontline in the battle against COVID-19. These videos were viewed MILLIONS of times on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and were then quickly removed from the internet.
How To Guarantee You Won't Die from COVID-19
July 27, 2020 | Gunner SteeleI am writing this article today in an attempt to SAVE YOUR LIFE. This article is not a joke. The information in this article can literally save your life. So don't take it lightly.
Doctors Are Killing More People than COVID
July 20, 2020 | Gunner SteeleLadies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters, doctors are killing people. In fact, doctors are killing way more people than COVID-19 could ever dream of killing…
COVID Kidnapping
July 17, 2020 | Gunner SteeleThere may be no greater example of immoral, unconscionable, and evil actions by multiple levels of "authorities" than the cases of the kidnapping of newborn babies in the name of COVID-19…
Review of the Americans with Disabilities Acts as it Pertains to the Use of Facemasks
July 14, 2020 | Gunner SteeleThe American with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects “disabled” persons from being denied access to “Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities.” This means that private businesses that offer their products and services to the general public may not deny access to their businesses to persons who are “disabled"…
America's Kryptonite is Trump's Achilles' Heel
July 13, 2020 | Gunner SteeleSo what in the world could possibly be strong enough to destroy America and her founding principles? What could possibly be strong enough to end freewill worship, free travel, equal protection, and the principles of freedom and liberty which we cherish and enjoy in America?
Scriptural Proof You Need to Leave Your Church
July 6, 2020 | Gunner SteeleI am truly advocating that everybody who attends a weak church that shut its doors because of the "coronavirus scare" should leave that church immediately and begin attending another church—one that never shut down…
Facemask Health Exemptions
July 2, 2020 | Gunner SteeleRecently, an organization that was selling "Face Mask Exemption Cards" was exposed as being fraudulent by the Department of Justice. This led to a ton of confusion over whether or not health exemptions for face masks were real or not…
Solution to the Police Problem
June 30, 2020 | Gunner SteeleFor me, it is amazing to see how people are acting like we have a complicated problem, when in reality we don't. We have a SERIOUS problem, but not a complicated one. The problem, simply stated is this…
RECAP - June 23rd "Meeting"
June 23, 2020 | Diego RodriguezHere's a recap of the June 23rd meeting held by 15 legislators in the House Chambers on June 23rd…The meeting at the Idaho State Capitol on June 23rd has now passed. It was somewhat disappointing, but still a positive step forward….
LIVESTREAM - June 23rd Legislative Session
June 23, 2020We will do everything possible to bring you a livestream of the June 23rd legislative session on this page…
Senate Majority Caucus Liars
June 22, 2020 | Diego RodriguezA letter from the Senate Majority Caucus Leadership recently surfaced and was brought to my attention. It is full of lies and total fabrications that demonstrate just how wicked and corrupt these Senators really are…
3 Reasons Not To Wear a Facemask
May 24, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleThe truth of the matter is that these facemasks are not really helping anybody, and they’re causing more harm than good. And this is actually well known. So then why are facemasks continually being touted as necessary in order to function in society right now? For this single reason—it is psychological warfare…
Church in the Park - May 17th, 2020
May 17, 2020On May 17th, Freedom Tabernacle held a church event in the park with Diego Rodriguez preaching (Diego is also the communications director at the Freedom Man PAC). Diego is a preacher and former Pastor and the sermon delivered needs to be heard by all of America right now…
3 Ways They Lie About COVID-19 Deaths
May 11, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleFor those who are uninformed, let me demonstrate to you three ways that the statistics are being artificially inflated. This is not “conspiracy-theory” type stuff—this is basic analysis from publicly available documentation. We have included all references so you can check for yourself…
Good That Will Come from Coronavirus Pandemic
April 27, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleIt is hard to imagine that anything good could come from the coronavirus pandemic and world leader's tyrannical response(s) to it. However, just like in times past, no matter how tragic an event or circumstance, there is always something positive that comes about as a result of it.
Abusive Meridian Cop Arrests Innocent Mother for Playing at the Park with Her Kids
April 22, 2020 | by Diego RodriguezYesterday, an abusive Meridian city cop named Branden Fiscus arrested Sarah Brady, an innocent mother, for simply playing at the park with her children.
Freedom Man's Diego Rodriguez Interviewed on the Kevin Miller Show
April 21, 2020 | by Diego RodriguezFreedom Man's Director of Marketing and Communication was interviewed by Kevin Miller today…
ONGOING LIST: Abuse of Power, Government Overreach, and Unconstitutional Force
April 9, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleFor both the woefully ignorant and for the seekers of truth, we have compiled a list of abuses of power, examples of government overreach, and unconstitutional uses of force against American citizens in America.
Christians Response to Coronavirus is Shameful
April 9, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleAmerica has had a severe crisis brewing for at least the last 50 years, probably more, that ultimately is the true cause for the ills of our nation…
List of Fake News and Propaganda About COVID-19
April 5, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleThere's an old saying that says the truth stands on it's own. In other words, if something is true, you don't need to make up stories to defend it. If something is true, you don't have to lie to prove it. It's that simple.
Is the Coronavirus the Weakest Virus of All Time?
April 2, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleLet me introduce you to a term you've probably heard on the news lately: asymptomatic. Basically, when you are asymptomatic, it means that a particular virus is in your body, but the virus is not strong enough to overtake your immune system, and your immune system fights it off before the symptoms can manifest.
How COVID-19 and White Racists Are the Same
April 2, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleYou’ve probably heard that racism from white people against black people has escalated exponentially under the age of Trump. And I’m sure you know that white cops disproportionately kill black people in the line of duty, because, well…because they’re black people. And white cops are racist and love killing black people. It’s there thing, you know?
"Extreme Measures" is a Relative Term
April 1, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleThe current coronavirus craze, which I call the Great Scam of 2020, is revealing a LOT of stuff about a LOT of people. One of them is that it is evident that not everybody has the same definition of what "extreme" means.
Questions for People Who Accept Soviet-Style Government Control for COVID-19
April 1, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleOur world is becoming even further polarized, YAY! We've got the "masses" being corralled like cattle and led about as sheep by soviet-style government control, and who accept this as good, decent, and acceptable in the name of "saving lives."
COVID-19: Show Me the Evidence
April 1, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleAs our world plunges deeper into tyrannical government control, economic ruin, and social panic, I stand on the side wondering one little question—why?
Great Scam of 2020
March 30, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleYou didn't think it would go this far, did you? Did you really think that the United States government, at any level, including local cities and small states, would issue legal orders demanding that you stay inside your house and forbidding you from assembling in groups—including church services?
Coronavirus Proves You're A Useful Idiot
March 23, 2020 | by Gunner SteeleI’m willing to bet you’re old enough to remember the term “useful idiot,” as it was used a lot during the Cold War times. For those that don’t remember, I’ll give you a little refresher, the term “useful idiot” was allegedly initially coined by Vladimir Lenin, the communist dictator, revolutionary, and mass murderer.
Why I Love Being an American
December 10th, 2018 | Gunner SteeleI was at a conference this weekend where one of the speakers reminded me of why I love being an American. He asked the audience to raise their hand if they knew of someone who owned a business. Literally everybody in the room raised their hands.
The Future is Not So Bright
December 3rd, 2018 | Gunner SteeleI'm a big believer that the FUTURE is always better than the past. I believe there are always going to be more profound and incredible opportunities in our future than in our past. Collectively and individually, I really believe that.
What's the Difference Between Immigration Then and Now?
November 26, 2018 | Gunner SteeleIn case you didn’t know, President Donald Trump is a monster because he tear gases little children. Yup. Its all over the news and the internet, so it must be true. I mean hey, its even trending on Twitter, or something like that.