Freedom Man Blog Articles from 2021
Trump Has Gone Too Far With His Vaccine Nonsense
December 27th, 2021Donald Trump was a good President. In fact, I considered him to be one of the best in modern times, perhaps exceeding even the greatness, in terms of listable accomplishments…
Comparing Policy Positions between Janice McGeachin, Ed Humphreys, and Ammon Bundy
December 15th, 2021Idaho voters have been trying for months to get a debate, or a series of debates, between the 3 most prominent conservative candidates for Governor: Janice McGeachin, Ed Humphreys, and Ammon Bundy…
Anthony Fauci is a Lying Criminal
December 13th, 2021 | Gunner SteeleAnthony Fauci is a career bureaucrat who is in charge of the NIAID, whose stated purpose is to “conduct and support basic and applied research." Fauci is actually the highest paid federal employee in the country, earning a whopping $434,312 per year. That is money stolen from you, by the way…
TSA and the Real ID Privacy Nightmare
November 22nd, 2021 | Gunner SteeleThe star on your driver's license or identification card is a way for the government to see that you have a newly updated ID which meets the standards of the REAL ID act of 2005, signed into law by your best buddy, Barry Insane Obama-lama-ding-dong…
This is the America We Voted For
November 19th, 2021 | Gunner SteeleIt's pretty difficult to imagine the America that we live in today was once the "greatest country that ever existed on the face of the earth." When you objectively look at what America is, what it is doing, what it stands for, what it rejects, and who rules it—it is hard to imagine just how far we've fallen…
Scott Bedke is a Slimebucket and this Session Proves It
November 18th, 2021 | Diego RodriguezIdaho’s Special Legislative Session ended yesterday and predictably—they did absolutely nothing! In other words, not a single solitary bill was passed. Nothing got done legislatively. Your rights were not preserved. Your legislators accomplished absolutely ZERO…
China Is Now Militarily Superior - But At Least America is More Gay
November 8th, 2021 | Gunner SteeleI have always been fascinated by the ease with which you can control populations of people with simple propaganda…
Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion
November 1st, 2021This video was recorded in 1984 and features former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining/predicting what we're seeing in present day America…
The Truth About Immigration and the Weaponization of People Groups
October 20th, 2021 | by Diego RodriguezWith all of the outrageous politicization and outright weaponization of people groups by politicians and the mainstream media—I feel its HIGH TIME to have an intellectual and rational counterpoint and counter-argument to all of the insanity.
PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 5
October 6th, 2021Project Veritas just released the fifth video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Evidence is finally exposed proving that Pfizer used aborted fetal tissue in the development of the COVID vaccine.
PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 4
October 5th, 2021Project Veritas just released the fourth video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. This time Pfizer gets exposed!
PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 3
September 27th, 2021Project Veritas just released the third video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Johnson & Johnson gets exposed!
Lying CDC Attributes Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated
September 22nd, 2021The CDC is lying to you, plain and simple. Somebody needs to sue them and put them all in jail. It is unbelievable, outrageous, and flat-out criminal what they are doing right now in order to manipulate the public!
PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 2
September 22nd, 2021Project Veritas just released the second video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. If you think the first one was shocking, wait till you see this!
PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 1
September 20th, 2021Project Veritas just released the first video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Don't miss this…
Joe Biden Protest in Boise
September 13th, 2021This is the audio recording of the Joe Biden protest in Boise, Idaho.
Janice McGeachin Should Never Be Supported By True Conservatives
September 9th, 2021 | by Diego RodriguezTwo days ago, someone named Robert Strange posted what appears to be an email written by Darr Moon, to his Facebook page and it was just forwarded to me. It is a brief commentary on why Darr believes that Janice McGeachin should be supported and specifically why Ed Humphreys and Ammon Bundy should not be supported for Governor…
Not A Lot of Love for Health Care Workers
August 30th, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleI am very happy to see that health care workers across America are finally revolting and rebelling against "the system." It really is a beautiful sight to behold. All across America where health care workers are being forced to get the COVAIDS jab, or lose their job, they are finally banding together and standing up and saying "NO!"
Commentary on Afghanistan
August 23rd, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleThe story of the Taliban re-taking Afghanistan last week might be the greatest story ever told in recent war history. Undoubtedly, you have seen the story all over the news, but as always, I'm going to assume that the details and the context behind the TRUE STORY have been left out for you…
An Honest Critique Regarding Vaccine Legislation
July 26th, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleMost conservatives despise the thought of mandatory vaccines anywhere, even in private businesses. But on the other hand, true conservatives who stand on principle simply do not believe the government should involve itself or intermeddle with agreements between employers and employees…
Everybody Believes in Conspiracies (they just don't admit it)
July 11th, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleConspiracies have to exist. People CONSPIRE for their own personal gain. Politicians do it. Religious leaders do it. Corporate leaders do it. The news media does it. Even poor kids on the streets do it. It's part of human nature. To deny the existence of conspiracies is to deny reality. The question is…
3 Major Reasons Christians Should Not Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
June 28th, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleFirst of all, let's get this out of the way—I have no problem with vaccines, medicines, medical treatments, or medical technology. I believe Christians should be at the forefront of medicine and should use their skill, talents, and knowledge in the field of medicine to heal the world in the name of Jesus Christ…
Taxes, Morality, and Billionaires
June 14th, 2021 | by Gunner SteeleLast week, ProPublica obtained and published, "a vast cache of IRS information showing how billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett pay little in income tax compared to their massive wealth — sometimes, even nothing."
Congratulations, You're A Domestic Terrorist!
June 6th, 2021The Biden Administration claims to want to take whatever means necessary to remove, eliminate, or prevent domestic terrorism. So now it is important to understand what is domestic terrorism and who is a domestic terrorist…
How Many Idaho RINOs Would Go to Jail if Ammon Bundy Became Governor?
June 4th, 2021Corrupt Idaho GOP Chairman, Tom Luna, sent out an interesting email today demonstrating his utter HORROR with the prospect of Ammon Bundy potentially announcing his candidacy for Governor. This got me thinking…
Idaho Conservatives Splitting the Vote
May 22nd, 2021So we’re an entire year away from the primary election next May 2022. But we’ve already got 3 prominent candidates for Governor and a few extra “no-namers.” Ed Humphreys was first to announce his candidacy, followed by Janice McGeachin, and now Ammon Bundy has filed papers to run for Governor as well (though he has not made an “official announcement”)….
Biden - 100 Accomplishments in 100 Days
May 19th, 2021Illegitimate President Joe Biden has been in office more than 100 days now. It might shock you to learn how much he has destroyed this country in such a short period of time…
COVID Put Your Heart on Display
May 17th, 2021Many Christian people have bought the lie that money and power corrupt people and have therefore shunned both. But the truth is that money and power do not corrupt people…
Who to Vote for in 2022
May 15th, 20212 weeks ago, some kid named Ed Humphreys, who I have never heard of, announced he’s challenging the DISGRACE, Brad Little, to be Governor of Idaho in next year’s election…
The Media Manipulated Conservatives with Derek Chauvin and George Floyd
April 26th, 2021It's been almost a year since the death of George Floyd. It happened back on May 25th, 2020. And if you have a half-way decent memory, you may remember that back when it first happened, the country, conservatives, liberals, and so called "moderates" were pretty much united in their voices that the death of George Floyd WAS NOT RIGHT…
World Renowned Pro-Vaccine Doctor Pleads with the World to STOP COVID Vaccinations
March 16th, 2021This is one of the most significant developments in modern times, as a world famous PRO-VACCINE doctor…is sounding the alarm and claiming that mass worldwide vaccinations must stop immediately or we will essentially be committing human genocide…
Mike Lindell's 2020 Election Fraud Documentary
February 5, 2021Mike Lindell has released a documentary on the 2020 election fraud. He claims to have "Absolute Proof." You need to see it and judge for yourself…
Idaho March for Life
January 23, 2021The Boise March for Life takes place every January on the weekend anniversary of Roe v Wade to commemorate the over 50 million unborn children that have been lost since the infamous Supreme Court ruling…
The Divorce is Final—We've Lost the Republic
January 11, 2021 | Gunner SteeleThe republic that once was the greatest nation on the face of God's earth has been lost. Sure, we know it's been lost for a long time. We can list the unfaithfulness of this country. We know the errors and sins of our country and the utter folly of our government and our culture…
Why Over 90% of All Conservatives are actually Socialists
January 4, 2021 | Gunner SteeleBefore I get started, I must warn all of my conservative friends that I'm about to offend you with the content of this article. I would only ask that before you let your emotions overtake you because of my assertions in this article, that you first LOGICALLY think through…