
Freedom Man Blog

Most recent blog articles are below. For older blog articles, click on the links in the sidebar or click on the search button in the navigation above.
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A Gift America Can't Return: The Police State Is America's New Crime Boss

December 23rd, 2024 / by Rutherford Institute
The American police state has become America’s new crime boss. Thirty years after then-President Bill Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law, its legacy of mass incarceration, police militarization, and over-criminalization continues to haunt us…
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They Tried to Kill Trump!

July 15th, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
Donald Trump has more enemies than any political figure in recent history—possibly more than any political figure in our entire American history…
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Trump's Conviction Demonstrates the Control Mass Media has Over American Minds

June 3rd, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
Everybody is talking about Trump's conviction but shockingly FEW, if any, are talking about what the actual charges were against him and what it means that such charges could actually be used against an American citizen…
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Why Capitalism Sucks (Part 1)

In this article, I will be making the case that the optimal system, and the only one that is ordained by God is a FREE MARKET society, which is no way the same thing as a Capitalist system. Perhaps this is the first time you’ve ever heard that Capitalism and the Free Market are not the same thing—but they are not. In fact, they are opposed one to another as you will see shortly…
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Should America Have Dropped Nuclear Bombs?

April 26th, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
Last week, Tucker Carlson was interviewed by Joe Rogan and made the claim that it was immoral for the United States to drop atomic bombs on a civilian population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 at the end of World War 2…
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Total Eclipse on April 8th and IMPENDING DOOM!! (Not really)

April 5th, 2024 / by Diego Rodriguez
There’s a good chance you’ve heard all about the Total Solar Eclipse happening on April 8th (next Monday). I certainly hope you are doing everything possible to get to see it…
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Baby Cyrus was Kidnapped 2 YEARS AGO TODAY!

March 11th, 2024 / by Diego Rodriguez
I know this is going to be hard for most of you to imagine, but today marks the 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF BABY CYRUS'S KIDNAPPING…
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What Nobody Told You About Ukraine

February 9th, 2024 / by David Sorenson
The following report about Ukraine contains critical information that all of us should be aware of, however these important facts are hidden from us by the news media…
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The Reality of Our National Debt

January 22nd, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
The National Debt in America has unfortunately become a joke and a cultural punchline and nobody seems to take it seriously. However, nearly every financial problem you can think of in America, from inflation to the outrageous cost of living…
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What is a PSYOP and Have You Been Attacked by One? Part 4 - How Propaganda Works in a PSYOP

January 8th, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
Today, we commonly assume that those on the "right" support the military and generally support anything that the American military does or gets involved in—we just blindly "support the troops…"
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The Gifts that COVID Gave Us

January 1st, 2024 / by Gunner Steele
It might seem impossible to imagine that COVID could have done anything good for mankind or that we could look back at it and find a “silver lining” in it. I mean, let’s be real, COVID was the most blatant tool used to exercise tyranny over free countries and free people in anyone’s lifetime who is alive today…
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What is a PSYOP and Have You Been Attacked by One? Part 3 - Psyop Case Study "Gary Webb"

December 19th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
While there are many elements to a PSYOP, it could be argued that the general function, purpose, and execution of a PSYOP is to manipulate the public's mind and to make them believe that false things are true, and to make them think that true things are false…
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American Convicted to Federal Prison for Sharing Memes Against Hillary Clinton on Twitter

November 29th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Tucker Carlson had an interview last week with Douglas Mackey, just a regular old American dude who shared some memes on Twitter against Hillary Clinton. His memes were often funny and stupid…
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What Javier Milei Means to America and the the World

November 20th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Last night, Argentina elected a new President, Javier Milei, and it would be difficult to overstate just how important and significant this election is and was…
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What is a Psyop and Have You Been Attacked by One—Part 2: COVID's Biggest Psyop)

November 13th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Of all of the types of propaganda that exist, there is one that is the most effective and it is the one that has been mostly used against people generally considered to be on the "right side" of the political spectrum. I'm talking about Christians, conservatives, libertarians, "right wingers," health freedom…
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What is a Psyop and Have You Been Attacked by One (Part 1)

November 6th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Of all of the types of propaganda that exist, there is one that is the most effective and it is the one that has been mostly used against people generally considered to be on the "right side" of the political spectrum. I'm talking about Christians, conservatives, libertarians, "right wingers," health freedom…
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Censorship Nullifies the 1st Amendment

October 30th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
America is famous for the right to "free speech" and our 1st Amendment which guarantees us that right (amongst several other rights), is well known in literally all the world. The 1st Amendment literally states, "Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech."It was stated without restrictions…
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How Christians and Conservatives are being Duped about Israel

October 25th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
I do not “Stand with Israel” and every single solitary Christian who does so has been cleverly tricked by a century’s old PSY-OP (psychological operation) against the Christian Church. Quite simply, you’ve been duped, my brothers and sisters…
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How They Plan on Brainwashing Everyone on the Planet

October 23rd, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Most people tend to believe that it would be nearly impossible to brainwash nearly everyone on the planet. I am not one of those people…
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5 Abuses of Science for Power, Profit, and Political Gains

October 2nd, 2023 / by Paul A. Philips
In relation to abuses of science, tailor-made corporate-sponsored pseudoscience has been used as a cover arm for profits that tie in with advancements of dictated political agendas…
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Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

July 19th, 2023 / by John Whitehead
Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list…
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Government Subsidized Child Trafficking Presentation REPLAY

May 10th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
Government Subsidized Child Trafficking is a presentation given by Diego Rodriguez about the true nature of CPS (Child Protective Services)…
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Judge Lynn Norton and Erik He/Him/His Stidham Have Just Gag Ordered Me

April 28th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
Well here is an interesting update, my friends. In the midst of all the chaos going on with Judge Lynn Norton trying to have Ammon Bundy arrested in a civil case, for a false charge of "contempt of court," she has just snuck through an additional order to silence yours truly…
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Facts About Ammon's Contempt of Court Charge that Not A Single News Organization Has Cared to Share With You

April 24th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
Ignorant people are crying foul in response to the article I published last week. They are crying and whining like ignorant statists always do because they willfully choose to remain ignorant, or because they are intentionally trying to manipulate the narrative to protect their own hides…
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Judge Lynn Norton Just Intentionally Broke the Law, Proving That She is Biased

April 18th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
Let me just demonstrate to you how Judge Norton’s actions today were wholly illegal and demonstrate that she is acting with malice against Ammon and is disobeying the Idaho rules o Civil Procedure—the rules that directly and specifically GOVERN her…
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Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is the Bad Guy

April 4th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
At a minimum, over 15 million people have seen the video of Baby Cyrus getting kidnapped back in March of 2022—and the world was collectively shocked and enraged at this plain evident show of tyranny and terror on behalf of the Meridian Police Department and CPS in Idaho…
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More Interesting Facts About the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse that You Won't Hear on the News

March 28th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Some very interesting details have come to light that suggest some serious FOUL PLAY on the behalf of our government as it pertains to the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (and others)…
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Meet the Latin Ron Desantis Americans Simply Don't Know About

March 22nd, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
There is someone else on the scene right now that you simply don't know about. Perhaps you've heard that he exists, but I'm quite certain you don't know what he has done, what he represents, and how revolutionary he is at this time…
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Why the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse is Worse Than You Think

March 21st, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
Now before I tell you how utterly stooooooopid Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Fed's, response was, let me remind you that we had a giant economic crash when banks went belly up in the great housing crash in the years just before 2010…
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Baby Cyrus KIDNAPPED One Year Ago Today!

March 11th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
Can you believe that exactly ONE YEAR AGO TODAY, Baby Cyrus was kidnapped at the point of a gun by psychopathic police officers, working at the behest of a corrupt government subsidized child trafficking machine? Yes, it has been an entire year. It was the night of March 11th, 2022…
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How to NOT BE Propagandized

February 27th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
As many of you know, my good friend Ammon Bundy and I are being sued by St. Luke’s Hospital right now. They are attacking us with the fraudulent charges of defamation, invasion of privacy, etc…
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Diego Rodriguez Issues Challenge to St. Luke's and Attorney Erik Stidham

February 9th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
As many of you know, my good friend Ammon Bundy and I are being sued by St. Luke’s Hospital right now. They are attacking us with the fraudulent charges of defamation, invasion of privacy, etc…
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PROVEN FACT: The Government Conspired to Kill Dr. Martin Luther King

January 16th, 2023 / by Gunner Steele
WARNING: this article will reveal important information about a proven government conspiracy that you have never heard about. Lovers of big government, unconditional supporters of the police and military, and socialist sociopaths should not read any further…
Mayor Simison Idiot

Meridian's Mayor and Police Chief are Worthless Slime

January 5th, 2023 / by Diego Rodriguez
The first good news to come out of Idaho in a long time is Attorney General Raul Labrador dismissing Sarah Brady’s case after more than 2 years of tomfoolery by the State of Idaho…
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Lionel Messi Won More than Just the World Cup!

December 19th, 2022 / by Gunner Steele
I know, I know—you probably don’t care about soccer. But hear me out, because what happened yesterday is important and relevant, not just to soccer fans, BUT TO YOU, SPECIFICALLY!
Joseph Ladapo and Ron Desantis

Desantis Seeks Grand Jury for COVID Misconduct!

December 15th, 2022 / by Diego Rodriguez
Governor Desantis and Doctor Ladapo held a scientific roundtable this week, and Ladapo publicly and openly discussed the forbidden topic of the COVID "vaccines."
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G20 Green-Light International Vaccine Passports

November 20th, 2022 / by Joseph Mercola
The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that a digital vaccine passport, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward…
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The True Enemy of America

November 1st, 2022 / by Diego Rodriguez
In moments of dire need and extreme injustice, the true character of individuals shines through. There is an old saying, "You are who you are when you are under the greatest pressure."
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Why Your Friends Won't Vote Right

November 1st, 2022
One of the worst things about the expansion of government is how it creates polarized divisions of Americans which, by design, pits Americans one against another…
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Lawyers, Businessmen, Democrats & Republicans

October 19th, 2022
As an attorney, I hesitated to forward this as it can be considered to be an indictment against my profession. But I believe there is much truth to the article below. Very thought provoking…
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Does Bill Gates Control the Media?

October 4th, 2022
Thomas Jefferson knew how bad the “mainstream media” was all the way back in 1807. Jefferson said the following…
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Proof the COVID Vaccine is Worse than the Disease

September 23rd, 2022
Some doctors and scientists recently published a report that you can guarantee will not get any attention in corporate media. It simply confirms what you already knew, mainly this—that the COVID “vaccine” is actually more harmful than the COVID “virus/disease.”
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Government Disinformation is PROVEN REAL

August 1st, 2022
Recently, the Biden Administration came under fire for creating what appeared to be its own Ministry of Truth, that it called the Disinformation Governance Board. It sounds straight out of the fictional writings of Orwell, but it's real.
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My Response to the Idaho Statesman Regarding the St. Luke's Lawsuit

June 30th, 2022
Yesterday I received another text message from an Idaho Statesman reporter about news reports regarding the lawsuit from St. Luke's hospital against me and Ammon Bundy…
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Yesterday's Roe V. Wade Miracle

June 25th, 2022
Yes, the disastrous Supreme Court case, Roe V. Wade, which effectively made the murder of innocent babies a protected legal “right” in all 50 states, was finally overturned…
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Thank God for My Dad

June 19th, 2022
On this Father’s Day 2022, in the midst of a generation of insanity, I want to say THANK GOD FOR MY DAD! I think of all the pansy, effeminate, weak kneed, politically correct, fearful, whining, moaning, complaining, and…
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The Fake Food Crisis

May 25th, 2022
So you've probably heard that America is about to have a food crisis, right? Anyhow, I want you to know something that nobody is telling you—there is no food shortage as a result of lack or food production…
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High School - 1957 vs 2022

May 23rd, 2022
Take a look at this comparison of 8 different scenarios from 1957 compared to 2022. See if you think America has changed…
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St Luke's is Suing Us for Exposing Them

May 16th, 2022
Last week I got a text from a reporter at the Idaho Statesman asking me about a lawsuit with St. Luke's hospital. And yes, it is true, St. Luke's Hospital is suing me, Ammon Bundy, and other entities they allege that Ammon and I control…
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Why Do They Hate Ammon Bundy So Much?

April 8th, 2022
To see injustice and pure vitriol by wicked authorities over a man like Ammon Bundy, it brings to mind the obvious question—why do they hate Ammon so much…
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The Night Watchman

March 28th, 2022
Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job…
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Open Letter to Meridian Police Chief Chief Tracy Basterrechea and Ada County Sheriff Matt Clifford

March 22nd, 2022 / by Diego Rodriguez
On March 11th, my grandson was forcefully kidnapped by Meridian Police Detectives who were aided and abetted by Meridian Police Officers whom you two are protecting and defending...
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Baby Cyrus Was KIDNAPPED!!!

March 12th, 2022 / by Diego Rodriguez
Last night, my Grandson, Cyrus Anderson, was ripped from the arms of his mother (my daughter), by police officers from the Meridian Police Department. It was a kidnapping, pure and simple!
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How the First Amendment Protects the Marginalized and Saves Lives

February 27th, 2022 / by Connor Vasile
With the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics now underway, concerns over China’s treatment of the Uyghurs have come back into public light. While many voice outrage over the Chinese Communist Party’s treatment of ethnic minorities, some choose to ignore the crisis or flat out state that “no one cares about human rights abuses in China.”
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Taxation Isn't Theft (It's Armed Robbery)

February 7th, 2022 / by Connor Boyack
There are three different terms law enforcement will use to describe crimes in which private property is stolen. Theft is the simplest: it entails the action of stealing.
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Meet the Bidens—First Family of the USA

January 26th, 2022
How well do you know Joe Biden and his family? What do you know about his kids and their…ahem…relationships? We just published an article about the first family that I’m sure will make you so excited and proud to have this man as your leader. Obviously, I’m being sarcastic…
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Polls Show Brad Little is in the Lead

January 15th, 2022
Idaho Polls have historically been terrible at predicting accurate numbers when it comes to final elections. This is for a number of factors, but probably chief among them is the fact that conservative "right wing" Constitutional voters don't typically respond to polls or surveys, and as a percentage, don't often show up to vote…
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Good That Will Come from COVID Scam Part 2

January 3rd, 2022
Back in April of 2020, nearly 2 years ago, I wrote an article describing a few things that would come about as a result of the COVID scam. And now that we have lived through a virtual worldwide nightmare since it all began, it is even harder now to imagine GOOD THINGS coming from all of this nonsense….
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Trump Has Gone Too Far With His Vaccine Nonsense

December 27th, 2021
Donald Trump was a good President. In fact, I considered him to be one of the best in modern times, perhaps exceeding even the greatness, in terms of listable accomplishments…
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Comparing Policy Positions between Janice McGeachin, Ed Humphreys, and Ammon Bundy

December 15th, 2021
Idaho voters have been trying for months to get a debate, or a series of debates, between the 3 most prominent conservative candidates for Governor: Janice McGeachin, Ed Humphreys, and Ammon Bundy…
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Anthony Fauci is a Lying Criminal

December 13th, 2021 | Gunner Steele
Anthony Fauci is a career bureaucrat who is in charge of the NIAID, whose stated purpose is to “conduct and support basic and applied research." Fauci is actually the highest paid federal employee in the country, earning a whopping $434,312 per year. That is money stolen from you, by the way…
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TSA and the Real ID Privacy Nightmare

November 22nd, 2021 | Gunner Steele
The star on your driver's license or identification card is a way for the government to see that you have a newly updated ID which meets the standards of the REAL ID act of 2005, signed into law by your best buddy, Barry Insane Obama-lama-ding-dong…
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This is the America We Voted For

November 19th, 2021 | Gunner Steele
It's pretty difficult to imagine the America that we live in today was once the "greatest country that ever existed on the face of the earth." When you objectively look at what America is, what it is doing, what it stands for, what it rejects, and who rules it—it is hard to imagine just how far we've fallen…
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Scott Bedke is a Slimebucket and this Session Proves It

November 18th, 2021 | Diego Rodriguez
Idaho’s Special Legislative Session ended yesterday and predictably—they did absolutely nothing! In other words, not a single solitary bill was passed. Nothing got done legislatively. Your rights were not preserved. Your legislators accomplished absolutely ZERO…
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China Is Now Militarily Superior - But At Least America is More Gay

November 8th, 2021 | Gunner Steele
I have always been fascinated by the ease with which you can control populations of people with simple propaganda…
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Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion

November 1st, 2021
This video was recorded in 1984 and features former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining/predicting what we're seeing in present day America…
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The Truth About Immigration and the Weaponization of People Groups

October 20th, 2021 | by Diego Rodriguez
With all of the outrageous politicization and outright weaponization of people groups by politicians and the mainstream media—I feel its HIGH TIME to have an intellectual and rational counterpoint and counter-argument to all of the insanity.
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PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 5

October 6th, 2021
Project Veritas just released the fifth video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Evidence is finally exposed proving that Pfizer used aborted fetal tissue in the development of the COVID vaccine.
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PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 4

October 5th, 2021
Project Veritas just released the fourth video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. This time Pfizer gets exposed!
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PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 3

September 27th, 2021
Project Veritas just released the third video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Johnson & Johnson gets exposed!
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Lying CDC Attributes Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

September 22nd, 2021
The CDC is lying to you, plain and simple. Somebody needs to sue them and put them all in jail. It is unbelievable, outrageous, and flat-out criminal what they are doing right now in order to manipulate the public!
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PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 2

September 22nd, 2021
Project Veritas just released the second video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. If you think the first one was shocking, wait till you see this!
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PROJECT VERITAS - COVID Vaccine Exposed Part 1

September 20th, 2021
Project Veritas just released the first video/episode in their COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series. Don't miss this…
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Janice McGeachin Should Never Be Supported By True Conservatives

September 9th, 2021 | by Diego Rodriguez
Two days ago, someone named Robert Strange posted what appears to be an email written by Darr Moon, to his Facebook page and it was just forwarded to me. It is a brief commentary on why Darr believes that Janice McGeachin should be supported and specifically why Ed Humphreys and Ammon Bundy should not be supported for Governor…
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Not A Lot of Love for Health Care Workers

August 30th, 2021 | by Gunner Steele
I am very happy to see that health care workers across America are finally revolting and rebelling against "the system." It really is a beautiful sight to behold. All across America where health care workers are being forced to get the COVAIDS jab, or lose their job, they are finally banding together and standing up and saying "NO!"
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Commentary on Afghanistan

August 23rd, 2021 | by Gunner Steele
The story of the Taliban re-taking Afghanistan last week might be the greatest story ever told in recent war history. Undoubtedly, you have seen the story all over the news, but as always, I'm going to assume that the details and the context behind the TRUE STORY have been left out for you…
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An Honest Critique Regarding Vaccine Legislation

July 26th, 2021 | by Gunner Steele
Most conservatives despise the thought of mandatory vaccines anywhere, even in private businesses. But on the other hand, true conservatives who stand on principle simply do not believe the government should involve itself or intermeddle with agreements between employers and employees…
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Everybody Believes in Conspiracies (they just don't admit it)

July 11th, 2021 | by Gunner Steele
Conspiracies have to exist. People CONSPIRE for their own personal gain. Politicians do it. Religious leaders do it. Corporate leaders do it. The news media does it. Even poor kids on the streets do it. It's part of human nature. To deny the existence of conspiracies is to deny reality. The question is…
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3 Major Reasons Christians Should Not Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

June 28th, 2021 | by Gunner Steele
First of all, let's get this out of the way—I have no problem with vaccines, medicines, medical treatments, or medical technology. I believe Christians should be at the forefront of medicine and should use their skill, talents, and knowledge in the field of medicine to heal the world in the name of Jesus Christ…
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Taxes, Morality, and Billionaires

June 14th, 2021
Last week, ProPublica obtained and published, "a vast cache of IRS information showing how billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett pay little in income tax compared to their massive wealth — sometimes, even nothing."
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Congratulations, You're A Domestic Terrorist!

June 6th, 2021
The Biden Administration claims to want to take whatever means necessary to remove, eliminate, or prevent domestic terrorism. So now it is important to understand what is domestic terrorism and who is a domestic terrorist…
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Idaho Conservatives Splitting the Vote

May 22nd, 2021
So we’re an entire year away from the primary election next May 2022. But we’ve already got 3 prominent candidates for Governor and a few extra “no-namers.” Ed Humphreys was first to announce his candidacy, followed by Janice McGeachin, and now Ammon Bundy has filed papers to run for Governor as well (though he has not made an “official announcement”)….
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Biden - 100 Accomplishments in 100 Days

May 19th, 2021
Illegitimate President Joe Biden has been in office more than 100 days now. It might shock you to learn how much he has destroyed this country in such a short period of time…
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COVID Put Your Heart on Display

May 17th, 2021
Many Christian people have bought the lie that money and power corrupt people and have therefore shunned both. But the truth is that money and power do not corrupt people…
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Who to Vote for in 2022

May 15th, 2021
2 weeks ago, some kid named Ed Humphreys, who I have never heard of, announced he’s challenging the DISGRACE, Brad Little, to be Governor of Idaho in next year’s election…
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The Media Manipulated Conservatives with Derek Chauvin and George Floyd

April 26th, 2021
It's been almost a year since the death of George Floyd. It happened back on May 25th, 2020. And if you have a half-way decent memory, you may remember that back when it first happened, the country, conservatives, liberals, and so called "moderates" were pretty much united in their voices that the death of George Floyd WAS NOT RIGHT…
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World Renowned Pro-Vaccine Doctor Pleads with the World to STOP COVID Vaccinations

March 16th, 2021
This is one of the most significant developments in modern times, as a world famous PRO-VACCINE doctor…is sounding the alarm and claiming that mass worldwide vaccinations must stop immediately or we will essentially be committing human genocide…
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Mike Lindell's 2020 Election Fraud Documentary

February 5, 2021
Mike Lindell has released a documentary on the 2020 election fraud. He claims to have "Absolute Proof." You need to see it and judge for yourself…
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Idaho March for Life

January 23, 2021
The Boise March for Life takes place every January on the weekend anniversary of Roe v Wade to commemorate the over 50 million unborn children that have been lost since the infamous Supreme Court ruling…
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The Divorce is Final—We've Lost the Republic

January 11, 2021 | Gunner Steele
The republic that once was the greatest nation on the face of God's earth has been lost. Sure, we know it's been lost for a long time. We can list the unfaithfulness of this country. We know the errors and sins of our country and the utter folly of our government and our culture…
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Why Over 90% of All Conservatives are actually Socialists

January 4, 2021 | Gunner Steele
Before I get started, I must warn all of my conservative friends that I'm about to offend you with the content of this article. I would only ask that before you let your emotions overtake you because of my assertions in this article, that you first LOGICALLY think through…
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